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What is LocalCryo?

​LOCALcryo is a treatment that uses extreme-cold temperatures to help alleviate pain, inflammation, joint problems, and similar afflictions. It enhances circulation, which increases the amount of oxygen rich blood available to key areas of the body.

This treatment is great to target a problem area; such as an ankle, knee, hip, wrist, shoulder, or neck. The Local Wand enables the tech to focus on one specific area.

Benefits​ for LOCALcryo

  • Increases range of motion

  • Decreases pain and inflammation

  • Decreases bruising and swelling

  • 3 minutes is comparable to 5 hours of icing



"Fifteen years ago I tore my left rotator cuff pretty bad and had surgery to repair it. Unfortunately, I tore it a second time five years ago and had a second surgery. About one year ago my shoulder started to hurt again and sure enough, there was a minor tear again.  The Doctor didn't recommend surgery this time and felt it could improve with exercise, however, the pain of a torn rotator cuff was pretty severe. 


When I found Frigid CryoTherapy for the first time, it gave me hope that I could recover and get back to a more active life without pain.  Before CryoTherapy I couldn’t even sit in a chair in the evening and watch TV without hurting, much less play golf or exercise without pain.  After several months I am virtually pain-free!  There are still times when the soreness is bothersome, however, after a Whole Body Cryo session along with the localized cryo, I’m good to go for days up to weeks.  I was skeptical at first but this really works -- and it takes such little time to see significant results. I highly recommend CryoTherapy along with the Local for pain and injuries. Added benefit, my knees feel better and my energy level has improved as well!"  -Darrell


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